Statement of Solidarity - Career Hub

June 2, 2020

Dear Colleagues,

The Career Hub staff members proudly join the collective voices of SRJC to stand in solidarity and take action against all forms of racism, hate and discrimination.  We are all responsible for what we are witnessing in our culture that is targeting our black colleagues and students, here and across the nation. It takes every person working together, examining our own beliefs, and the systems of racism that exist in our society before change can manifest. We are committed to educating ourselves on how to become a racially just, discrimination free, antiracist workplace and educational environment where our black and brown students, staff, faculty, and administration can be free to thrive. We pledge to educate our communities on Equal Employment Laws and other policies created to offer opportunities to those that need it most and to connect our students to growth opportunities both inside our campus walls and in our county.

In Peace and Solidarity,

Lauralyn Larsen
Kim Kinahan
Ann Mansfield
Jill Mead
Josh Pinaula
Laurie Bacci
Carrie Myers
Brad Davis
Jamie Longnecker