Statement of Solidarity - Latinx Faculty and Staff Association

May 30, 2020

We, the Latinx Faculty and Staff Association (LFSA) herby stand in solidarity with our African American community during these difficult times.

Our diverse membership of 61 SRJC employees actively supports our mission to advocate for the advancement and welfare of people of color.

We will not sit silently while acts of racism, hate, and violence continue to affect our communities.

We encourage all LFSA members and the SRJC community to lead by example and stand up for all communities affected by injustices.  

If we see an injustice we must take action, do the right thing, speak up, and let people know it is not acceptable.

To our African American sisters and brothers, we are with you in the fight for justice, dignity, and human rights.


In Solidarity,
Latinx Faculty and Staff Association (LFSA)