IDEAA Taskforce Focus & Membership

The Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Antiracism, Accessibility (IDEAA) Taskforce is a District advisory group engaging on a year-long exploration of the District’s commitment to IDEAA, models for District-wide engagement, and centering the experiences of students to cultivate a community of belonging that is just, equitable, in queer solidarity, and centers racial justice.  The taskforce will further develop its focus, but will begin with:  

  1. Grounding all work in students’ experiences, disaggregated data for success outcomes, completion rates, and student engagement.
  2. Establishing a working guide for IDEAA in action and definition.
  3. Advising on the review and communication of campus climate assessments, including possible recommendations to cultivate a community of belonging, safe spaces, and collaborations to build an IDEAA college community. 
  4. Providing a repository of IDEAA activities and programs throughout the District for students and employees. 
  5. Supporting the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Plan. 
  6. Providing a recommendation on the type of District group that could continue the work as part of participatory governance.  
  7. Communicating its progress to College Council and contributing towards District wide communication.   

The timeline for this Taskforce’s work is May 2024 through May 2025. 

Membership consists of these individuals:  

Academic Senate 

Nick Perrone 

Classified Senate 

Linda Jay 

Student Government Assembly 

Michelle Diaz 


Steven Kessler 


Daisy Cardenas 

CFT Union B 

Bette Smith 

Management Team

Roam Romagnoli

Cultural Centers 

Regina Mahiri and Aaron Solorio 

Council for Racial Equity & Justice 

Jerry Thao and Margarita Gonzalez Jordan 

Hispanic Serving Institute (HSI) 

Moisés Santos and Conchis Randazzo 

Mental Health Counselors 

Joseph Hancock and Brijit Aleman 


Robert Ethington 

District Police 

Robert Brownlee 

SRJC Roseland 

Alondra Soto 


Lenny Wagner 

Disability Resources Department 

Maura Wong Cooper 



Resource support for the Taskforce will be provided by the Offices of Human Resources (EEO), Marketing & Communications, Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Planning, as well as the Vice Presidents. One of their first priorities will be the review of the responses from the National Assessment of Collegiate Campus Climates (NACCC) survey administered by the USC’s Race & Equity Center. 

College Forum on IDEAA, April 12, 2024